Conducting Proper and Effective Investigations – Nashville, TN

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Conducting Proper and Effective Investigations
Nashville, TN

The focus of the Internal Affairs Investigations Training program is to identify proper legal and operational standards for Internal Affairs Investigations, including the development of proper police practices on use of force and force related policies. The training will focus on enhancing the effectiveness, operations, and management of use of force incidents. Training will review the policy standards, legal interpretations and Consent Decree standards that make up liability protection. This includes IA investigation standards and the documentation of IA incidents. We will also discuss the manner in which police agencies can investigate incidents and audit to ensure that policies and training are being followed.

[button text=”View Agenda” color=”white” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/dlg-internal-affairs-certification-training-nashville-tn-june-18-22-2018-2.pdf”]

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June 18th – June 22nd, 2018


Tennessee Department of Safety Training Center
283 Stewarts Ferry Pike
Nashville, TN 37214


$525 per student
4.5 day training certification program





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