Path of the Guardian

Introduction to Path of the Guardian Series

We are proud to welcome you to our video training program titled “Path of the Guardian.” Daigle Law Group and its Consultants developed this video program to help protect the Guardian by developing the Guardian mindset. The videos are 5-8 minutes long, and focus on important policy and police practice issues developing across the country and in your State. The videos focus on Supreme Court updates, police practice issues, high liability issues, Department of Justice investigations, and Accreditation standards. The videos are provided to the department to be distributed each week for a total of 52 videos a year. These videos can be distributed utilizing different methods.

Overview of Path of the Guardian Training

Attorney Eric Daigle, the Principal of Daigle Law Group LLC, is the host of this video series training. Having spent well over a decade defending officers, supervisors and command staff in police misconduct litigation, and after watching the damage and stress that litigation puts on police officers, Daigle Law Group decided there must be a better way. Through the DLG Policy Center and DLG Learning Center we set out to ensure officers understand the key principles and legal standards that will protect them from litigation, or in the event of litigation. This goal has led to the development of the Path of the Guardian video series.

It is clear that 2015-2018 have been challenging years for law enforcement, with multiple high profile deadly force incidents. In addition, many departments have been scrutinized by the Department of Justice and other outside entities. We know these challenges will not stop, but only get worse unless we address the real issues facing officers each day. We understand, it is not possible for officers to read and memorize every policy in their policy manual. It is not possible for officers to research and read every report or white paper that is released on how to do the job correctly. That is why we are here to help. That is the purpose and intent of this video training every week. Our videos provide a brief overview of subjects to enhance your understanding of industry standards and proper police practices that must be followed. We believe that Knowledge is Power, and with your busy schedule we must find the most efficient and focused way to bring you that knowledge or, as we say, “Develop the Guardian Mindset.”

Distribution of the Video

Technology has afforded us the means to effectively and efficiently provide this information to the officers working in your department. With training budgets stressed to the max, as an industry we must find another way. Why not use technology in a format where officers can focus on a specific subject for 5-8 minutes to ensure we are developing a guardian mindset. The videos are provided to the department to be distributed each week for a total of 52 videos a year. These videos can be distributed in different methods. If the agency uses PowerDMS as a document and training system the videos can be uploaded for weekly distribution, if no other methods are possible. From email distribution to internet or website distribution, many options are possible. Contact DLG to discuss distribution options.

Pricing Information

The videos are provided to the department to be distributed each week for a total of 52 videos a year. We expect that at the end of 52 weeks the officers viewing the videos will receive approximately six hours of training. The pricing for these videos are $35 per department member for agencies up to 100, and continued reduction in price for departments over 100 officers. To receive additional information on the Path of the Guardian training program, please fill out the contact form.

Learn More about Path of the Guardian